The content on this website is intended for general information purposes only and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult an experienced healthcare practitioner if you have any medical concerns or questions about drugs or therapies.
Pharmaticus does not provide medical advice, and nothing on this website should be interpreted as a recommendation or endorsement of any specific drug, therapy, or treatment. The information provided is not a substitute for consulting with qualified medical professionals.
We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information displayed on this website. The content is offered “as is,” without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, or non-infringement.
The information you will come across in regard to certain medications such as dosages, drug interactions, side effects, and symptoms is intended to for educational purposes only. It does not include all the possible actions a medication may offer. Users are strongly advised to seek personalized advice from healthcare professionals before starting or stopping any medication.
Pharmaticus is not liable to take any responsibility of the legal consequences, damage or any form of health risk, which can arise due to the usage of information provided on the website. Users assume all risks associated with the use of this website’s content, including any potential harm resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information.
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Children, at no point, should have access to the medications mentioned in the website. It is unethical for medications to be shared or used for other reasons other than those prescribed by an experienced healthcare professional.
If you are taking prescription drugs or other medications, including those containing nitrates, consult your healthcare provider to avoid harmful interactions or risks.
We, as a company, assumes no responsibility for the health choices undertaken by users of this website. Consumers must indemnify Pharmaticus, its associated directors, or its employees safe against any claims, damages, losses or injuries caused as a result of the website use.
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